Daily Aquarius Horoscope January 25 (25/01)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

January 25


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Some doors dont open with ease. Doorknobs might need jiggling and some pushing or pulling might need to be involved and such strain is often required for doors that havent been opened in some time! In an area of your world now, you might have to invest a bit more effort to open a proverbial door or at least get a glimpse into what further effort can bring. Whatever obstacle is preventing immediate access, with a bit of determination, you can overcome it.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

A brave move might be demanded of you now. The only likely need for bravery surrounds willingness on your part to accept that you do have some level of influence where you feel you have little or none. The act of deciding you can make a difference to a situation or arrangement by making yourself slightly uncomfortable is an act of bravery in itself. You can make a difference where you want to see one. Believe that and take action you know needs taking.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

When someone asks the question, whats in it for me?, theyre usually doing so to confirm what level of monetary or material gain is on offer by agreeing or committing themselves to something. Venuss link with your ruler implies you could be looking beyond financial or material reward at what can be gained in terms of self-satisfaction instead. Making a contribution in some way could outweigh any monetary gain and offer so much more in terms of personal pride.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Venus graces your earnings sector from the 3rd, boosting your confidence and ability to consider potential moneymaking opportunities. Your sense of self-worth is enhanced and this can have an effect on your bank balance. Your keenness to explore new ways to boost your earnings could result in a new job or source of income around the Full Moon on the 12th - and it might be lack of fulfilment in the workplace that encourages you to invest your time and talents elsewhere.


health aquarius daily

Star 10/10

You may want to do some kind of volunteer work. Helping the needy is a year-round opportunity, not limited to certain special occasions. Pay attention to this part of yourself and to your outgoing nature. If you have like-minded friends, try to start planning a day or two of service in advance. There are so many opportunities for giving of yourself that you may have a hard time deciding where to focus your attention.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Waiting for the right time can be good advice, but not with regard to developing healthy habits to live by. You need to eat three meals a day with healthy snacks in between (fresh fruit, for example). You need to sleep like a baby - and there are ways to create a more successful sleeping habit if you need help. You need to drink enough water to keep your immune system strong and your elimination process in tune. These are things that do not benefit from "waiting".


health aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

Youre probably feeling a lot better all around. Perhaps you now relish the idea of exercising rather than dread it as you have before. You can be something of a health nut as you worry about every ache and pain. Its the worry that can cause you the most problems. From now on, this inner anxiety will begin to vanish and leave you in peace.


health aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

You have the perfect opportunity to release emotional baggage and resolve any issues that may be holding you back. If you can gently unpick such matters with the help of heart-to-heart talks, you may find that your energy becomes much more upbeat. Consider easing your schedule around the time of the January 12 Full Moon, as it can be a time of greater sensitivity. To lessen any stress, minimize difficult tasks where possible. With the Moon as your health planet, you can take advantage of the January 26 New Moon to ring in changes regarding your well-being.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

You will have more of a chance to get asked out for a date today if you can just stop worrying about whether you will be asked out or not. The energy radiating from the planets is bringing out the more manipulative and power-hungry side of your personality, which could have a negative effect. If you enjoy the day without worrying either way, you will find things work out fine very soon.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

The celestial configuration is helping you to accept love at a more realistic level. Your relationships are usually an adventure into the unknown, and often, once the adventure seems to settle into a boring mundane routine, you suddenly feel the mad urge to escape completely or into yet another relationship. Gradually you are beginning to see the folly of your ways, and can now start to behave accordingly.


love aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

You feel different from everyone else at the start of the week, but you look at that as a very good thing. In a world where a lot of people are trying to conform, youre perfectly happy standing out from the rest of the crowd - and your soul mate probably feels the same way. Try unconventional ways of finding people to date at weeks end. If youre experiencing a lot of rejection, at least its obvious youre trying.


love aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

January 1 sets the stage for a positive, happy month of romance. If you stay focused and on the right track, getting what you want isnt a long shot. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, which means your best qualities will be on display for the coming month. You shine when youre being yourself, so never change for anyone. An Aquarius New Moon on January 26 signals a time for you to wrap up old relationships in preparation for new ones. Closure is good but unnecessary. You have no problem moving on with or without it.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

You are feeling confident and strong in the workplace, so why isnt everyone listening to you? Instead, they are working counter to your aims, making it difficult for you to do your job. Stick to what you know instead of worrying about everyone else.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Any artistic or creative work that you need to get accomplished should be tackled today. The energy is right for your imagination to flourish and your dreamy side to take over. Put away any work that involves concentration or a practical perspective.


career aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

This is a powerful time for networking and all sorts of group plans and projects. The cosmos can scatter your energies. Do your best to focus on one task at a time. Your boss or a co-worker could be especially irritating. Do your best to listen as well as talk. Not everyone is as progressive as you. Patience is necessary. New opportunities are just around the corner.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

An unpleasant work assignment will come to an end near January 12. Although youll be disappointed with the way things turned out, youll be relieved the drama is over. Youll be especially glad to part ways with a know-it-all who rejected virtually all your input. The final days of the month will be much more rewarding. Dont be surprised if you receive an award or bonus for your extraordinary problem-solving ability. A grateful client or employer will be eager to spread the word of your talent. Get ready for your closeup. If someone asks you to interview for a job, be sure to agree.



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